Nouns Vortex:
A privacy preserving voting for Nouns DAO

水 Registration 水

The registration phase looks as follows. Every account A can register in a system by sending a hash of the following pair: commit = H(key, force).

This is updateable, and will need a system similar to ERC721Checkpointable.sol by Nouns DAO, because for a particular voting the snapshot of the commitment needs to be considered - notably, taken not at the proposal block (as done for Nouns count), but at the vote starting block.

In what follows, we will use proof-friendly primitives: Poseidon as hash function, denoted H, and babyJubJub curve for the in-system elliptic curve operations.

Now, we explain what is contained in this commitment. It is not enforced at this stage, but it is an appropriate place for an explanation.

key is a hash of the following data:

    threshold, total: Fp, // satisfying 1 <= threshold <= total <= LIMIT; suggest LIMIT=7;
    pubkeys[total] : pubkey // an array of n public keys in babyJubJub curve
    seed : Fp // a random nonce used to produce nullifiers

On the registration phase, we suggest multisignature users to translate their operational logic to our proof system, by choosing threshold and total corresponding to parameters of their multisig, and providing temporary public keys of each multisig party.

force is a root of a sparse Merkle tree which implements the key->value array, containing the enforced values (i.e., it has default value (0,0), and it having value either 0, Y, N at leaf i means that in the proposal i this account will be able to vote only with corresponding value, 0 corresponding to abstaining, and Y and N being elliptic curve generators corresponding to "yes" and "no" votes). It basically just contains compressed commands that must be fulfilled by voting from this account.

This finishes the registration phase - no checks are done at this stage at all.